Le profil de BeMyEye, startup RetailTech - E-commerce
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London, Royaume-Uni

BeMyEye is a leading crowdsourced perfect store data as a service (DAAS) provider. Operating in 21 countries, the company tracks Perfect Store execution metrics, such as share of shelf, promotional compliance, peak trading out of stock and brand recommendation, by deploying more than 1.5 Million on-demand data gatherers using the BeMyEye App, and leveraging cutting-edge neural-network IR technologies to analyze the data. The company works with more than 300 leading FMCG, Consumer Durables and Pharmaceutical companies.

RetailTech - E-commerce

Business insights; Market research; Data enrichment; Retail intelligence; Field Sales routines optimisations; Out of Stock checks; Shopper Insights; Data as a Service

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